Check out @2024pumassassins on Instagram for the full rulebook and logged updates!
Day seventy-three (June 10): In true Puma fashion all four players won in their own way and just in time for Graduation.
For the finale of the year there was no shooting nerf bullets on the graduation stage or pre-planned surprise attacks in McCaw Hall’s parking garage. There was simply an agreement, an almost poetic one at that. The final four took what they learned from kindergarten and decided that yes, “sharing is caring”. Or maybe they just decided it was time for the games to be over. Either way, this years Senior Assassin game ended with four winners. For his successful assassination of six players, Eli received $245 of the pot ($70 more than the other three) and Komathi Evan and Izzy each received $175. Congrats to our winners and thank you everyone for reading!
Day sixty-eight (June 5) sixty-nine (June 6), seventy (June 7), seventy-one (June 8) seventy-two (June 9): Time is ticking on the eve of Graduation but we still have four players left standing.
Day sixty-seven (June 4): The senior awards banquet started with Wynne not doing so much winning.
- This year’s awards banquet started at 6:30 pm at Mohai on Lake Union. Punctual as usual, Wynne arrived ten minutes early, but so did Eli. Unfortunately, only one of them was in a position to tag the other out…and it wasn’t Wynne. With the doors of Mohai not yet open Eli took out one more member of the competition. Four more left and counting. Can Eli keep the streak?
Day sixty-five (June 2) sixty-six (June 3): T minus six days till graduation…will we have a winner?
Day sixty-four (June 1) involved an after-prom hangout gone wrong…well for Cora at least.
- With only six players left in the game, rules for Saturday were firmly set in place. Salty’s, the restaurant hosting this year’s prom, was off-limits for the entire day (the parking lot included). Plus, anyone who wanted to tag someone else had to take a confirmation video. So, after prom when a group of seniors were hanging out at a friend’s house, it was the perfect time for Eli to pull out his phone and record a video of his feet walking right up to Cora and shooting her in the back. This elicited multiple screams of “NOOO” from her friends but was deemed fair game. They took a photo and Eli struck out his sixth assassination of the game.
Day sixty-three (May 31) had Komathi driving in circles to tag out Jack.
- After some plotting Komathi reached out to Skylar’s little sister to get an inside scoop on when Jack and Skylar would be hanging out next…and where. When she received word that Skylar, Jack, and some friends would be at Golden Gardens Friday evening she decided to drive over. She arrived at five and drove several laps around the beach. By several, I mean like literally a thousand because it wasn’t till an hour and a half later at 6:30 that she caught sight of Jeremy who was just arriving. Then one by one people started driving in. At this point, Jeremy had seen her and told everyone to watch out. Eventually, she parked after seeing Evan park nearby. Then, with Jack in view, she offered a truce so she could chill on the beach. Jack stepped closer to negotiate and that’s when Komathi got him right in the chest. Bye-bye, Jack Jack. In the end, no photo was taken but Komathi sent a video to Hana as proof that she was not lying and was in fact, at Golden Gardens with them.
Day sixty (May 28) sixty-one (May 29) and sixty-two (May 30): As the last day of school and graduation draw near we are still waiting for the finalists to make a move.
Day fifty-six (May 24), fifty-seven (May 25), fifty-eight (May 26) and fifty-nine (May 27): As UPrep’s State Champions emerge from the fire, we are still poking at the embers of the senior assassin championship.
Day fifty-five (May 23): a few track and field runners managed to run all the way to state while Dylan didn’t seem to run from Eli at all.
- Toward the end of Thursday Dylan, Eli and a couple of other guys walked down to Dahl Feild to get ready for a road trip to Yakima to support their fellow Pumas at State. Eli was driving everyone and had his van parked conveniently off campus. So, while Dylan was putting his stuff in the trunk he asked Eli if he was going to get him out and Eli lied and said no. But as soon as Dylan got in the car Eli turned around said a quick “sorry” and tagged his friend. There goes Dylan’s 80-plus dollar investment.
Day fifty-four (May 22): one day where literally nothing happened.
Day fifty-two and fifty-three (May 20 & 21): As the new countdown eliminates three players, only eight remain to win the final prize of $770. Note: Cora was allowed passage to the final round due to a disagreement between her and her second target Evan. Basically, she showed up and claimed that she tagged him while he argued otherwise. Each had different evidence to prove their point so they agreed to allow Cora to pass on to the next round and in exchange Evan would also stay in the game. Those who did not make it are:
- Alex who was only able to tag his first target Landon on day two (March 22).
- Annie who tagged Colin on day one (March 21).
- And finally, Elizabeth who just barely made it to the second round after tagging Beruk on day sixteen (April 5).
Day fifty-one (May 19): Another top-runner comes quickly into view.
- While hanging out with Jack and Hana in Bellevue, Wynne noticed that her target, Patrick, had his snap maps on. So, after successfully gaining immunity by tagging Jack (Wynne’s assassin) she felt comfortable enough to go on a little stakeout with the group. After migrating to find Patrick’s car they waited…and waited…and waited, basically until they got bored. They pulled up snap maps one more time and began to directly follow his location until they found him. At first, he was hidden but then Wynne ran around some bushes and popped him right as he was standing up from a bench. Batta bing, batta boom, and then there were eleven. One more and we will be off to the final round.
Day fifty (May 18) brought us a broken alliance.
First, some backstory. On Saturday, May 11 at roughly 9:00 am, one of our front runners, Jack, was supporting his younger sister in the girl’s tennis districts. Conveniently while walking around he saw Kalya, his target, unprotected. So he did what anyone would do and made easy work of tagging her out. Kayla argued her side and Jack felt bad so in an unconventional fashion he decided to let her stay in the game. At this point, he had already gotten out three targets and was content to watch how things would progress. Maybe Kayla would help take out some of the competition? Then on Thursday, May 16 Jack and Kayla formed a loose alliance (he notes that they didn’t shake on it).
- That alliance didn’t last long though because as soon as they were together hanging out with some friends Saturday night (May 18) Jack was convinced to break up the agreement. So, using Nerf equipment from one of his friends, he got her out just like that. This time he decided to make it final. Note: The confirmation photo was taken the first time Kayla was tagged out at the tennis tournament.
Day forty-six (May 14), forty-seven (May 15) forty-eight (May 16) and forty-nine (May 17): Finals week put the senior assassin finalists on the line as they were threatened by another countdown timer. A new rule was instated: Anyone who has not gotten two targets out by 8:25 on Tuesday, May 21 will be eliminated. Alex, Annie, Cora and Elizabeth better step up their game.
Day forty-five (May 13): Fun Day ended not so fun for Michaela.
- After an unfortunate event on a skateboard at Dahl Feild Thursday morning, Michaela ended up in the hospital with a foot injury. Since then she has been walking around school with crutches, a difficult situation for one of the sixteen assassins left standing this year. Because of this, her assassin, Dylan, proposed the idea of just letting him tag her. At this point, Michaela had accepted defeat and decided all she wanted in return was 10 dollars. So, after the Fun Day festivities, she got what she wanted, successfully breaking even in the game. Dylan, on the other hand, has put 70 dollars into bribing his targets, not to mention the ten-dollar buy-in or purchasing equipment. That’s a gamble. He better hope he wins. By the way, the confirmation photo is staged and completely Michaela’s idea which somehow makes it funnier.
- Edit: after much debate between the remaining players and the game organizers I am here to announce another assassination that has officially been approved. On school grounds Monday, Evan shot his assassin, Cora, for two hours of immunity, or so Roxanne thought. So, she went and shot Evan, her assassin, to obtain her two-hour immunity. Turns out Evan had been planning on Roxanne watching. All along he had wanted her to think she could tag him to get immunity when the rules said otherwise. So, when Roxanne walked off campus after school, Evan ran by and got her out. Roxanne contested her assassination saying that there was nowhere in the rulebook that said she couldn’t gain immunity at school. To solve this disagreement the game organizers posted a poll to all the remaining players. It was a close vote, neck and neck for a whole day before someone tipped it in the final direction. In the end, they voted that tagging your assassin on school grounds for immunity was not allowed and so, Roxanne was declared officially out of the game. In all the hassle no photo was taken of the victory.
Day forty-one (May 9), forty-two (May 10), forty-three (May 11) and forty-four (May 12): Oh no…here we go again.
Another senior assassin drought was broken on day forty (May 8) by current frontrunner, Eli.
- After Wednesday’s fifth period, Olivia and Julia hopped in the car to spend their free period at University Village. They had a plan to drive to Olivia’s house nearby so she could get a change of clothes. On their two-minute drive there, they noticed they were being tailed. Eli had jumped into his car at school and was following them in an attempt to get his target, Olivia. They pulled into her driveway and Eli parked perpendicular to their car, trapping them. Quickly Olivia gave Julia her keys and had her run in to grab her stuff. The problem came when Julia realized she would have to get back in the car when Eli was standing right outside. So, after a short five minutes in the car, Olivia began to get hot. That’s when the negotiations started. Eventually, Olivia and Eli agreed that he would pay her 20 bucks to get out of the car and that’s exactly what happened. As of now Olivia and Ashley are the only two seniors who have made money from this game. What an economic duo.
Day thirty-three (May 1), thirty-four (May 2), thirty-five (May 3), thirty-six (May 4), thirty-seven (May 5), thirty-eight (May 6), thirty-nine (May 7th): April showers bring May flowers but no new assassinations in the first week.
Day thirty-two (April 30): On the eve of the college decision deadline one senior was added to the lineup of “eliminated”, marking the 50th tag out of the 2024 senior assassin games.
- This senior was Malaya. After school ended, her assassin, Jack, was leaving a college meeting with Kelly when he got in his car and just happened to see his target Malaya walking off campus with her sisters. He was halted from his pursuit by a red light so he briefly lost sight of her before the light turned green and he sped up to find her again. Once he did, he stopped in the middle of the street, put on his parking brake, and jumped from his car. Malaya and her sisters noticed the car stopped dead in the street and Malaya began to run. She dropped her bag and spilled her drink, running as fast as she could to the safety of her car. Unfortunately for her, she just wasn’t fast enough.
Day thirty-one (April 29): Senior skip day ended with a little more excitement than expected. Three tags worth of excitement to be exact.
- After a nice beach day and polar plunge at Golden Gardens a group of around 12 seniors went out to get an equally as nice lunch at a local Mexican restaurant. Unfortunately, Leela did not have a nice time because as soon as she pulled up to the parking lot and got out of her car, Nathan, her assassin, came out of nowhere and tagged her.
- After that, the rest of the crew went to order their lunch. Meanwhile, Augie, Jack, Harrison, and Dylan who had waited behind at Golden Gardens heard about Nathan getting Leela out. Conveniently, Augie had Nathan as his target and now he knew exactly where he was. So, around 10 minutes after Leela was tagged out, Augie (and co.) arrived at the restaurant with a scooter. Background: you cannot be tagged out if you are operating a vehicle and I guess scooters count as vehicles now, so as long as Augie was scootering around he couldn’t be tagged. As Augie continued to scooter around like a fox stalking its next meal he noticed that Nathan’s car was in the parking lot. Upon further inspection, Augie realized that Nathan was sitting in his locked car for protection. Eventually, Kyan got into the car and was talking to Nathan before he opened the door to get out. As Kyan was leaving, Augie stuck his Nerf gun through the door and, after some wrestling, tagged Nathan in the passenger seat.
- Rewind back to before Augie got to the parking lot: because Nathan knew that Augie would be coming to get lunch eventually he partnered up with Eli, who had Augie as his target. With the knowledge that Nathan could pop his trunk using his key fob, Eli climbed into the trunk and waited. Fast forward now to after Augie had gotten Nathan out: At this point, the handlebars of Augie’s scooter had fallen to the ground and although he still had a hand and a foot on the “vehicle” he was no longer driving the “vehicle”. So, in all the craziness Nathan popped the trunk, and Eli jumped out and shot his target. Neither Augie nor Eli got a photo of what remained of them and their targets once everything calmed down so you’ll just have to imagine their targets distraught faces. Edit: the day after this series of unfortunate events, Augie posed for a photo with Nathan and Eli posed for a photo with Augie. I like the follow through guys.
Day thirty (April 28): After tagging her fourth target, Alexa’s Friday ended with her seeing the game from another point of view, the outs.
- After school, Alexa and Wynne (her unbeknownst assassin) had plans to see the new Challengers movie. They met up for dinner and then went to the theater. All the while Wynne had her Nerf gun tucked away on her person. At first, Alexa wondered if Wynne was her assassin but as the night went on and Wynne didn’t make a move, Alexa slowly let down her guard. Wynne had planned to get her target all along but just didn’t want to ruin the good vibes of the night. That is, up until the credits rolled. As soon as the movie ended so did Alexa’s winning streak as Wynne pulled out her Nerf gun and shot her companion.
Day twenty-eight (April 26) and twenty-nine (April 27): Everybody stood still, in awe of Ms. Prez’s fourth successful assassination.
Day twenty-seven (April 25): After another four days without senior assassin content our class president decided it was time to make an executive move.
- After school Thursday afternoon at around 5:00 pm, Alexa had ultimate practice at Shoreline AB. Early on she noticed that the boy’s soccer team was also having a practice only a field away, a team that included her one and only target, Fiachra. So, she talked to her ultimate coach and asked to leave practice to do a quick stakeout. Once she got permission she made her way off the field and waited for her target to finish his practice. Eventually, he left the safe zone and was promptly chased around the field as Alexa shot six Nerf bullets in his direction. One finally hit and Fiachra, being the good sport that he is, admitted that Alexa won fair in square. Unfortunately, they both forgot to take a photo to mark the tag.
Day twenty-three (April 21), twenty-four (April 22), twenty-five (April 23), twenty-six (April 24): senior slump?
Day twenty-two (April 20) was a day of fun and games for Joey till Augie crashed the function.
- Saturday night Joey was hanging out with some of his junior friends plus a few seniors. Augie, his assassin, had previously heard through the grapevine that Patrick and Aidan (friends of Joey’s) were also going to be there. So, Augie made a guess, got the address, and put Joey in distress. All he had to do was connect the dots.
On day twenty-one (April 19) Kayla continued her streak of artful deception (see day eight for her last well-planned line of attack) by getting the whereabouts of her second target from a person that she says will remain nameless. She promised to keep it secret so I guess her tongue is tied.
- Kayla’s journey began at her target, Harrison’s, soccer game Friday after school. Unfortunately, Kayla and her accomplice, Rebecca, couldn’t find parking to stake out till the game finished. Luck for them though, they had gotten a tip (that will remain mysterious to us) that Harrison would be at Dough Zone in the University District for a dumpling dinner after the game. They waited until Harrison and about 15 of his friends were sat at a table, then they quickly ran into the soon-to-be scene of the crime.
The silence of the past week and a half was broken early on day twenty (April 18).
- On Hana’s way to school in the morning, Komathi sprang forth to get her second target of the game. Just a reminder of Komathi’s punctuation: She was one of the few to get out her target on the very first day of the game and she was the first to get a target during round two. One down, 24 left to go.
Day seventeen (April 15), eighteen (April 16), and nineteen (April 17) seemed to be a continued spring break for the senior assassins. As school started up again, the 25 remaining players stayed safe in the shadows and not a single target was tagged out.
Day sixteen (April 5), the last day of round one, had a repetitive theme: last-minute assisted tags between targets and their assassins. With only hours left on the clock, those left unable to get their first target decided they would rather allow their assassin get them than get out due to the ending round.
- The first to start the trend of the day was Poppy (originally Aidan’s target) who allowed Patrick to get her out after advisory. Beforehand, she had texted him saying she had no way of getting her target Evan (who had left for vacation) and would rather walk off school grounds and get it over with.
- Not long after, Caelan (whose target, Annie, was on vacation) allowed Jack to get him out in the same fashion. Just a quick walk to Dahl and Jack had gotten his second target of the game.
- Then during Ms. Serkowski’s “Canon: British Literature” class, Elizabeth told her target, Beruk (whose target was Roxxane and again…on vacation for Spring Break) that she wanted to get him out before the round ended. So, after class, they walked to the street across from the ULab, and Elizabeth was allowed passage to the next round.
- Now, I’ve got to give credit to this last tag because Matthew and Fiachra put some real pazazz into their alliance.It was theatrical really. According to Owen, who is pictured in the video fighting Matthew with foam swords, the dramatized version goes like this: Matthew was unexpectedly ambushed by his assassin Fiachra in the trees of Dahl shortly after school. The real version, however, is more similar to the rest. Matthew had attempted to get his target, Komathi, four times before he finally yielded an hour and a half before the round ended and let Fiachra get him out. Shout out to Fiachra’s mom who filmed Matthews’s final moments in the game.
- Lastly for the day, eleven people were simultaneously removed from the game because they could not successfully take out their target. Here is an alphabetical list of each of them and their target:
- Alton —> Target: Eliza
- Ari —> Target: Patrick
- Eliza —> Target: Nathan
- Hyun —> Target: Fiachra
- Julia —> Target: Michaela
- Juliana —> Target: Malaya
- Leo —> Target: Eli
- Mohamed —> Target: Zak
- Owen —>Target: Kayla
- Pascale —> Target: Leela
- Zak —> Target: Cora
Day fifteen (April 4) included an unconventional compromise between a target and her assassin.
- After Dylan’s fourth failed attempt at getting Ashley out at her tennis practice, he sent a text to her friend Olivia. He had heard that Ashley was having trouble getting her target and wanted to see if she would “sacrifice” herself instead of getting out because of the end of the round. Olivia relayed the idea to Ashley who said she would agree to it if he paid her 50 dollars. Things came to a tee at Dahl field Thursday, where Dylan passed over 60 dollars (he didn’t have change for 50) and promptly took out Ashley. I guess in the end everyone went home happy.
Day fourteen (April 3): Womp womp
Day thirteen (April 2) was a no-immunity purge day. No one was safe except for…well, pretty much everyone because only two people got tagged out.
- Say goodbye to our dear game leader Kyan, who took one for the team and successfully ended the three-day-long drought. After second period, Kyan headed out of school to prepare for his global link trip to Botswana that evening. He knew his friend Harrison had him as his target and also that he had no chance at getting his own target out before spring break began. Instead of going peacefully, he decided to help his friend out and let Harrison tag him at Dahl Field.
- Edit: After Tuesday, a poll was posted to @2024pumassassins laying out the attempted assassination of Maleha by Partick. The story was this: Partick had shot two bullets into a car where Maleha sat in the passenger seat. Her younger sibling who knew about the game jumped in front of Partick to try and block either the bullet or his view. Afterward, two Nerf bullets were found on the driver’s seat. Maleha claimed she didn’t feel the bullets hit and Partick didn’t see; so Partick suggested they post a poll. Both people agreed on the written explanation that was posted to Instagram. In the end, 61 people voted and 52% of respondents said she was out and 48% said she was in. Per democracy, she was declared tagged out. Partick stands by his claim that he got her out and Maleha still believes he never tagged her.
The senior assassins seem to be in a slump because day twelve (April 1) just continued the recession.
Nothing to see here folks, the dust has settled and everybody left standing on day ten (March 30) and day eleven (March 31) were too scared to come out.
Day nine (March 29) started out as a seemingly tired and slow senior assassin Friday but quickly turned much more interesting once Skylar’s 18th birthday party rolled around.
- It all started with Evan getting Reagan out after school. Before the attack, Caelan and Evan had been plotting on the best way to get her. First, Caelan told Evan of Reagan’s babysitting address. But then, after school, Caelan realized he had Reagan’s blanket sitting in his car. So he asked her if she wanted to grab it then walked her right off campus into the trap. Reagan hadn’t even bought floaties, goggles or, for that matter, anything Nerf.
The rest of the evening was quite a doozy so you’ll have to stay with me for this one. Flashback to day seven (Wednesday): Maddie was taken out by Max B. at track practice. According to Max B, Skylar had confirmed what he already knew, when Maddie would be at practice. Once Maddie was tagged she started compiling a plan to help Skylar’s assassin, Cora, get her out. Lucky for her, Skylar was holding her birthday party at a bowling alley only a few days later. Before the party on Friday, Maddie, Alexa and Eliza went to the venue early to bribe a woman on staff. They told her about the situation and asked that she tell everyone else that floaties were a safety concern and not allowed on the bowling alley floor. Later, the group met at the beach where Jeremy arrived and shot his assassin, Alexa, so he would have immunity for the next two hours.
2. Back at the bowling alley, once the party started and people began to show up, the floodgates opened and no one had floaties. The plotters texted Cora and Ashe who were waiting in the parking lot with Julia. Unfortunately for Ashe, Julia had texted Olivia, Ashe’s assassin, about the whole plan. So, Olivia pulled up and tagged Ashe before they even got a chance to get their target, Jack.
3. Next, all four of them went inside: Olivia to get Jack in Ashe’s place, and Cora still on her way to get Skylar. With no immunity on (per Maddie’s pay-off scheme), Skylar was left completely defenseless to Cora’s attack. Bye Bye, birthday girl. Meanwhile, Olivia was shot by her own target, giving Jack immunity for the next two hours. That wasn’t enough for him though, because he also decided to pay Olivia off in exchange for immunity till the end of round one. Three down for the day, four more to go.
4. Around 8:30, right after finishing a shift at work, Zoe showed up at the function. Unbeknownst to anyone, Eli turned around and got her fair and square. Initially, Maddie had been her assassin but once Max B. had gotten her out it had been passed all the way to Eli.
5. If you remember back to when part of the group took a trip to the beach, Jeremy had obtained two hours of safety from Alexa. Well, right about 9:10 his time of immunity was running out. Alexa had it all planned out. Jeremy was talking to Ellie when Alexa whipped around and said “Sorry” right before tagging him.
6. Then, she immediately turned her aim to Ellie standing perfectly next to her first target. You see, Alexa already knew who she would inherit by getting Jeremy out, she was just lucky enough to have them both at once. Congratulations Alexa for being the first person to get three targets out!
7. To end the night, was Duncan, taken out by Augie. After bowling had finished, the group moved on to Dick’s. They invited Duncan who showed up in floaties and goggles. At just the wrong time though he put down his pool floatie and was tagged out by Augie. Nothing but love in the photo though.
Here lies day eight (March 28), buried alongside Sidney and Naz’s senior assassin safety streak. So sad.
- Kayla started her day off right with some mild breaking and entering that involved stealing Sidney’s goggles from her Puma bag in the gym. That way, when Sidney was sheathing her arms into some beach ball-themed floaties, right before tennis practice, she was missing a vital part of her immunity costume. She crossed her fingers and made her way to the tennis center. Unfortunately for her, Kayla’s plan worked perfectly. Keep a tight hold on your belongings folks, don’t want to get your immunity stolen!
- Soon after Kayla’s success, Skylar found herself in a perfectly coincidental situation. She was pulling out of UPrep when she saw her target, Naz, waiting patiently to get on the bus to go on her regularly scheduled Starbucks visit. So, Skylar waited and made her move after parking at UVillage and sneakily tiptoeing through the crosswalk in her neon floaties, bright pink sweatshirt, and reflective goggles. I bet that was a sight for the shoppers. If only Naz had gone to one of the other three UVillage Starbucks, she may have lived to play another day.
Day seven (March 27) was a day off from school work but not from assassin work according to Max B, Eli, and Augie.
- Track practice had Max B. chasing his target Maddie on her scooter around Roosevelt high school. She didn’t make it far though.
- Unlucky for Max B. his assassin was also at practice, so as soon as he got Maddie out he turned around to find Eli ready to get him.
- The final out of the day involved Augie waiting for Dante outside the ACE Mentor Program building and then tagging him. Just too easy.
By the end of day six (March 26) two more seniors claimed success while a third, Ellie, just nearly missed her target, Julia. After aiming into the backseat of Cora’s dad’s car, Ellie’s Nerf bullet bounced off a bag and hit Julia. Luckily for Julia, a poll was posted to @2024pumassassins, and 113 people (48%) voted her out while 121 people (52%) voted that the bounced bullet didn’t count. Julia was declared safe!
- On the other hand, Max S. wasn’t so lucky. While Max was removing his floatie to put into the back of his car Michaela was waiting behind another car on the phone with Jennifer. Jennifer, who was spying on Max then gave Michaela the “go-ahead” to pop out and collect her win. Teamwork makes the dream work I guess!
- That seemed to be the theme of the day because, after school, Aki was taken out by Malaya with the help of their mutual friend, Kiana Warren (junior). With a premeditated plan in place, Kiana invited Aki to get food after school when all along Malaya was just waiting at the set destination to get out her target.
Day five (March 25): The official start of week two brought more of the same undercover morning and after-school stake-outs.
- Jack pulled up to Cesar’s house before school. Just as Cesar was going in for a goodbye hug with his sister who was leaving for a flight to Oregon, Jack took out his target.
- Later in the day, Joey made his second tag of the game getting out unsuspecting Tyler after school.
- And finally, Alexa sat waiting in the car for Walker to finish his baseball practice before she made her move.
Day four (March 24): I guess people were shy this weekend cause Sunday only yielded two more updates.
- Izzy became the first person to tag out two people this year (two days apart mind you). She waited patiently for Boden to finish mock trial before catching him at his home at around noon. He had nowhere to go but down.
- Maleha, in a similar fashion, tagged out Aidan at his home around five hours later.
It seems that day two got everybody tired…or scared, because day three (march 23) was slightly underwhelming.
- The twins, Roxanne and Izzy, continued their streak from yesterday with the only successful tag of the day. As Trixie was running to make it to tennis practice on time, Roxanne popped out of hiding and caught her target. Take it from me guys, gotta keep an eye out for those sisters.
Day two (March 22) surpassed expectations with nearly double the tags of day one.
- Similarly to Jennifer’s tactic the day before, Wynne endeavored on a morning stake-out in front of Claire’s home. Fifteen minutes later, the wait was over and Claire had a somber drive to school.
- Meanwhile, somewhere else in Seattle, Hana made the same morning moves to tag out Aida. With one theatrical “I’m sorry” from Hana, Aida was out of the game.
- After school and after a successful boy’s soccer game against SAAS, basically, half the team was taken out one by one. First was Kian tagged by Joey.
- Next came August defeated by Max B.
- Then Nalin lost to Jeremy.
- And finally, as Landon was walking to his car at Shoreline AB, Alex took him out. That’s one, two, three, four down in mere minutes.
- Next came a two-pronged betrayal. Griffon, who was only wearing floaties and not goggles was pursued and tagged by Isaac.
- Then when Issac left to join his friends for a pizza break, Griffon clued Nathan in on his target’s whereabouts. Nathan showed up and Isaac’s victory became short-lived.
- Finally, I regret to inform you all that I was tagged by the lovely Izzy. She and her sister Roxanne dedicated a whole hour and a half of their lives to camping out by my car waiting for me to get off work. Even the precaution of parking a block away couldn’t stop them.
With day one (March 21) completed, some seniors have come out on top while others have been left in the dust.

- The first person out of the running this year was Sonia, who was tagged by Jennifer while getting into her car to go to school. She didn’t even make it past 8:15 am.
- Later, when school ended for the day, Colin was making his way to the Dalh parking lot. Annie S caught him as he was getting to his car. According to @2024pumaassassins, he was the “#1 perceived threat” for this year’s game.
- Shortly after, Marina was tagged by Skylar in front of her own home. After school, Jack and Skylar followed closely behind Marina until they could pop out and make their move. Skylar was equipped with goggles and floaties but Marina, not so much.
Skylar (left) tags Marina. - Then Leela tagged out Sinclaire right after tennis practice.
Leela (left) tags Sinclaire. - The final hit of the night was a twist. First successful attacker of the night: Jennifer was met at work byKomathi at 7:00 sharp.
Komathi (bottom left) tags Jennifer. A short-lived victory for Jennifer this season.