Owen Dombrowski

School for Ethics and Global Leadership (D.C.)

Q: What school are you at? How did you hear about it?

A: I’m at the School for Ethics and Global Leadership in DC, which I originally learned about from a semester away presentation at UPrep.

Q: If you were to briefly summarize your experience so far to someone who hasn’t gone, how would you describe it?

A: A little bit crazy, a little bit hard, and overall worth it.

Q: What has been your favorite part of your semester away?

A: Living in DC is honestly the best part. There’s so much to see and do. We don’t have enough weekends to explore it all, but what I’ve been to has been really cool.

Q: What do you want your peers at UPrep to know about doing a semester away in general?

A: Not enough people do semester away, in my opinion, but it’s not for everyone. I’d tell freshmen and sophomores to explore different options and programs before they lose the chance.

Q: What’s a new skill you’ve learned?

A: My cooking skills have improved the most. In August, the most impressive dish I could make was scrambled eggs. Now I can make pasta alfredo, and a pretty good pasta alfredo at that.

Q: What makes your semester away different from UPrep?

A: SEGL has a very specific focus on its ethics curriculum, which can be both refreshing and uniquely difficult.

Q: Do you have a funny story about your time there?

A: For the first couple weeks we weren’t allowed to be in other people’s rooms. One night, I was hanging out in someone’s room, and we heard a residential advisor walk up the stairs. We had the door closed, so I couldn’t escape, and instead hid in the closet. The RA walked into the room and asked where I was, and my friend played dumb. I couldn’t help but laugh, which lead to an opened closet door and some consequences.


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