Schedule Changes … Again
Students and teachers respond to the 8th schedule change of the year.
Photo: Julia Cappio (Courtesy)
Sophomres Sydney Goitia-Doran and Delia Rossi share a laugh during lunch on campus while Director of Upper School Joel Sohn takes attendance. Students eat socially distanced outside in the faculty parking lot.
The newest schedule of the year was implemented on March 10, which sparked a wide range of opinions among students and teachers.
The full day schedule consists of three 95-minute periods as well as an hour-long community time and a 20-minute lunch break.
An all-school email was sent out two weeks prior to the implementation, but many students say they were not aware of the schedule until a week later.
“Part of the reason why students have been reacting so strongly is due to lack of communication,” sophomore Joshua Yi said.
Many students have been wondering why the administration thinks longer class periods are a good idea.
“We chose a three-period day as opposed to a four-period day because it is a 2-day cycle,” Associate Head of School for Academics and Strategic Initiatives Richard Kassissieh said.
The administration wants to have a simple rotation as opposed to previous pre-pandemic schedule formats.
“The classes ended up being 95 minutes because, if you add three 95-minute periods, lunch and community time, it adds up to a full day,” Kassissieh said. “The top priority was to have a full day of learning for students on campus while not keeping online students on Zoom all day.”
Teachers simultaneously teach online students and in-person students. This format requires a lot of preparation by the teachers.
After completing the first cycle of the new schedule, students and teachers began to develop constructive feedback for the administration.