Numerous different arts classes gathered and presented their work at the Winter Arts Showcase on the evening of Dec. 13. One of these classes was photography 1 and 2. Junior Marin Gant had her photography work featured in the showcase.
“I helped set up, like during my art class, and it was really cool seeing the different photos and seeing people in my class’ photos, which I feel like I haven’t seen like that much.”
Gant’s favorite type of photography is food photography as it is a blend of two activities she enjoys: photography and cooking.
“Photography, I feel like, is a really cool art form and a good way to capture memories and things that you find really beautiful,” Gant said.
Photography teacher Isabel Hartman prepared her students for the showcase in a number of ways, including reflecting on the semester.
“I think the most fun part was putting all the pictures together, because I kind of let the students curate where things went on the wall. So we talked a little bit about how to arrange them to make them visually pleasing on the wall. You want things to be buried enough so that your eye remains interested in what you’re looking at.”
In addition to Photography, multiple periods of Visual Art 1: Intro to Studio were present in the showcase as well. It was junior Max Cook’s first time being an artist at the Winter Arts Showcase because of his Intro to Studio class.
“I think it’s really cool,” Cook said. “When I was hanging the art pieces, they were all very impressive. I especially like the Cubist art pieces. Yeah, it’s all very impressive.”
Hartman enjoys the Visual Arts Showcase because it gives her a chance to see all of her student’s work.
“I think it’s just important to just have, like, a formal recognition of the work from the semester. And I just really like seeing, especially since I don’t always get to go into the other visual arts classes, what the other classes are doing, and then how that all looks together.”